patch member


Change the permissions of an org member. ORG_ID can be org UUID
or name. ACCOUNT_ID can be account UUID, username, or email.

At least one --scope must be provided. If the intent is to remove a member from the
org entirely, use "edgectl delete member".

  edgectl patch member --org ORG_ID --account ACCOUNT_ID --scope SCOPE [--scope SCOPE2] [flags]

  # Grant alice the scope 'org:owner' on org 'acme'
  $ edgectl patch member --org acme --account alice --scope org:owner

  # Grant alice only the scope 'org:write' on org 'acme'.
  $ edgectl patch member --org acme --account --scope org:write

  # Grant alice scopes 'org:write' and 'org:admin' on org 'acme'.
  $ edgectl patch member --org acme --account --scope org:write --scope org:admin

      --org string          Org name or UUID
      --account string      Account UUID, username, or email
      --scope stringArray   An authorization scope
  -h, --help                help for member

Global Flags:
  -H, --header         Print header row
  -j, --json           JSON output
  -M, --monochrome     Don't colorize output
  -t, --text           Text table output
      --token string   Access Token
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output