Orgs & Members

When you create an account on Edgeworx Cloud, a Personal Org (organization) is created automatically, with the same name as your username. Thus, the user Alice with username alice has a personal org also named alice. When alice creates new projects, those projects are created inside her personal org, e.g. alice/someproject.

For collaboration, you should create a separate org for your company. For example, if Alice’s employer is Acme Corp., she would create an org acme. New projects would be created inside the acme org, e.g. acme/megaproject. (Projects can also be from Alice’s personal org to the corporate org). Naturally Alice can invite people to join the org.

When inviting a member to the org, you must specify the permissions that member has. These permissions can be reviewed at the

A member’s permissions are set when the org invite is created . The permissions can also be modified by an org admin. A member can have more than one permission for an org, and some permissions imply others. For example, an Org Owner has permission org:owner, but also org:admin and org:write (through inheritance).

Create an Org

On the Cloud Portal homepage, select “create an org” where orgs are listed (there will be none when you first sign up). You will then be guided through creation. The only required information is the org website

Org Create Screen

Org Create Details Screen

Org Details Screen

Invite members

Using the CLI

Use edgectl create invite to invite people to join the org. Below, Alice invites her colleague Bob to join the acme org as an admin. Other scopes (permissions) include org:owner and org:write.

$ edgectl create invite --email --org acme --scope org:admin
UUID                                  INVITEE EMAIL          CREATED UTC  EXPIRES UTC
b478ce89-7172-4d2a-abac-b76b09afe01b           2023-01-31   2023-03-02

The scope argument determines Bob’s role (permissions) in the org. If scope is not specified, the default (org:write) is used.

Bob will receive an invite email. If Bob doesn’t have an account, he needs to sign up.

Using the Cloud Portal

After creating an org, you will be presented with a screen to invite other members into the org by email.

Org Member Invite Screen

If you need to invite more members, you can do so through the member details screen. Navigate to the org page, and click INVITE MEMBER to invite a new member by their email.

Accept invite

Using the CLI

Bob can use edgectl to respond to the invite.

$ edgectl get invites
b478ce89-7172-4d2a-abac-b76b09afe01b  alice    acme

To accept the invite, use the patch invite command:

edgectl patch invite --uuid b478ce89-7172-4d2a-abac-b76b09afe01b --state accepted

Verify that Bob can access the acme org:

$ edgectl get orgs
UUID                                  NAME     PERSONAL ORG  CREATED UTC  SCOPES
15e23cf5-c4f7-4ac9-aedb-689231124f10  acme     false         2023-01-31   org:admin,org:write
7bc10fbb-ef0a-47f8-bf71-608eece7c317  bob      true          2023-01-03   org:admin,org:owner,org:write

Using the Cloud Portal

You should receive an email with directions on how to accept an org invite. Follow the instructions to create an account and accept the invite to the new org.

Org Member Invite Email

Modify member scopes

Using the CLI

Use edgectl patch member to change a member’s scopes. For example, Alice can reduce Bob’s set of scopes to only org:write as follows:

$ edgectl patch member --org acme --account bob --scope org:write
Updated scopes on account {bob} in org {15e23cf5-c4f7-4ac9-aedb-689231124f10|acme}

Using the Cloud Portal

In the Cloud Portal, navigate to the org page, click the settings wheel next to the “members” header, and select the permission you want to change for a user.

Org Member Details

Change Member Permissions

Remove member

Using the CLI

Use edgectl delete member to remove a member from an org. Note that this only deletes the account’s membership of the org: it does not delete the account itself.

edgectl delete member --org acme --account bob

Using the Cloud Portal

In the Cloud Portal, navigate to the org page, click the settings wheel next to the “members” header, and remove the user with the “delete” icon next to the user’s email.

Remove Member